
The Habit of Subluxation

We all have habits – subconscious patterns of activity that simplify our lives, from how we get in and out of the car or towel off after a shower, to sleeping postures and the way in which we walk down the hall.  Habits serve us well by increasing efficiency of muscles as well as the very energy-costly nervous system processes.  Think about your drive to work today – you probably don’t remember most of it because you were talking on the phone, listening to music or just spacing off.  Imagine if you had to relearn how to drive every single day.  Our brains are amazing at learning patterns and repeating them day after day.


But what if a habit is not serving us well?  What if, because of our movements, eating habits or patterns of thought, our bodies enter into a compensatory habit pattern that actually makes us LESS efficient in the long run – making us susceptible to premature aging, disease and an early death?  This is the Habit of Subluxation.


Disponesis is a word medical neurophysiologists use to describe these inefficiencies.  It is defined as: “a reversible physiopathologic state consisting of unnoticed, misdirected neurophysiologic reactions to various agents (environmental events, bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts) and the repercussions of these reactions throughout the organism. These errors in energy expenditure, which are capable of producing functional disorders, consist mainly of covert errors in action-potential output from the motor and pre-motor areas of the cortex and the consequences of that output.” 


Disponesis thoroughly describes the Habit of Subluxation.  This long definition can be boiled down to say STRESS overloads the NERVOUS SYSTEM causing it to enter into various degenerating states of MALFUNCTION and DIS-EASE and, if left uncorrected, will cause DISEASE and DEATH.  We live our lives through our nervous system – if the control system is fried and dysfunctional, how can we expect anything less from the rest of our systems?


STRESS, whether it is physical, chemical or emotional, can overload the system and create compensatory subluxation patterns and the Habit of Subluxation.  It is a BAD habit and the only professionals trained to address this neurological habit are chiropractors.  Have you had your spine and nervous system checked for the Habit of Subluxation lately?  Give Weld Family Clinic a call today at (970) 356-5255 or contact us online.

 We are committed to educating and inspiring individuals and families to cultivate health and healing throughout their lives.

Dr. Erik and Dr. Patricia


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